Exclusive Chef Incorporated

Antique stores

  • Main Activity: Antique Appraisal
  • Indianapolis In

  • 1261 Shelby St
  • 317 916 5555


Exclusive Chef Incorporated, 1261 Shelby St, Indianapolis In - Antique Appraisal

Exclusive Chef Incorporated - business info:

Exclusive Chef Incorporated is Antique Appraisal from Indianapolis In. If you are looking for a specific item, let us know and we can keep an eye out for it. We want to earn your business & trust. Start your collection or sell us your goods for a fair price! We love searching for vintage treasures, and if we don not have it in our shop, we will be happy to look for furniture, or unique item for our clients. We offer our items at fair prices and we even allow you to negotiate and make a deal with us to receive the best price. We buy U.S. and foreign coin collections, scrap gold and sterling jewelry and sterling flatware and holloware. The Most amazing and unique items come through the door daily, but many are one of a kind and purchased quickly.


Antique offers

Exclusive Chef Incorporated Indianapolis In offers: Furniture all types, Glass, Crocks, Advertising, Musical instruments, Much more. We also design and hand craft original and reproduction furniture. Our ever-changing inventory includes: Sterling, silver, gold, coins and jewelry. Appraisals are requested for many reasons, including insurance, probate, equitable distribution, divorce, donation, and damages from weather, moving, etc. Your curiosity will be satisfied if you are looking for something in particular or if you are just out for a fun afternoon. Restoration of all unique art objects. Silver Flatware, Silver Plate, Cut Glass, Pottery, Toys, Watches, Clocks, Old Photographs, Frames, Bronzes, Stamps, Military Items, Books, Posters, Autographs, Lamps.

Antique catalog

Antiques prices


Call us at the phone number: 317 916 5555 or visit our website: or contact us at email:

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Welcome to Exclusive Chef Incorporated

We look forward to seeing you again soon. New consigners always welcome! Please call for a consultation today. Please feel free to peruse our site for valuable information about the history of pawnbroking, as well as the current value of gold. Contact us for more information. Visit our showroom in person or view our entire collection online.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Exclusive Chef Incorporated.


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