
Antique stores

  • Main Activity: Furniture Stores,Appliances
  • Boston Ma

  • 4 Copley Pl


Wayfair, 4 Copley Pl, Boston Ma - Furniture Stores,Appliances

Wayfair - business info:

Wayfair is Furniture Stores,Appliances from Boston Ma. Contact us if know someone needing to downsize their collection or have us liquidate their entire estate. We offer a wide variety of antiques from jewelry to furniture. We have an amazing team of skilled carpenters and craftsmen right here on our premises, and we take pride in the superb craftsmanship that goes into all upholstery, repair, restoration and reproduction projects. We mix the old with the new to encompass your modern and traditional tastes. Reasonable rates, excellent customer service and professional appraisal reports. We provide a large selection of coins and currency. The great staff are ready to help with your wooden furniture needs.


Antique offers

Wayfair Boston Ma offers: We also offer appraisal services & jewelry repair Some are unusual, some cheap and some superb. Whenever there is a need for an appraisal for insurance or estate purposes or any other reason, we provide a professional, authenticated value unbiased because we do not buy any items we only appraise them. We operate our consignment store with a high visibility showroom filled with antiques, collectibles, dolls, jewelry, china and more. We are extremely detailed and use only the highest quality products. Even though our company continues to grow, our belief in the value of an honest, one-on-one relationship remains the same. Other services include cabinet refacing, furniture structural repair and stabilization, precision repair of wood surfaces, color blending and image enhancement, as well as furniture refinishing and polishing.

Antique catalog

Antiques prices


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Welcome to Wayfair

A quaint shop offering unique antiques and repurposed architectural salvage pieces. Visit us to find your one of a kind eclectic piece today! Call us today and have all your pawning questions answered! We look forward to working with you in creating or restoring your furniture. Give us a call today. Visit us today and browse through our wide selection of furniture available in our store!

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Wayfair.


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