Johns Antiques
Antique stores
- Main Activity: Antiques
Aptos Ca
CA - 417 Trout Gulch Rd
95003 - 831 688 0682

Johns Antiques, 417 Trout Gulch Rd, Aptos Ca - AntiquesJohns Antiques - business info:
Johns Antiques is Antiques from Aptos Ca. We also buy, sell, appraise, and consign your collectables and antiques. Transforming History to Meet Your Dreams Our specialty is reconfiguring antique pieces into elements for everyday use. We provide a low pressure and relaxed environment where we love to educate and answer any and all questions you might have. Pricing all items prior to sale. Our inventory includes more than just furniture and collectibles. Our highly experienced staff can repair a variety of furniture issues that you might be dealing with. We offer quality antiques from a variety of countries throughout the world.
Antique offers
Johns Antiques Aptos Ca offers: Our store is your home for the best antique jewelry around. We guarantee professional and reliable work for every service we provide. Coins? Gold and silver,?Jewelry Pottery, Toys, Watches, Clocks, Old Photographs, Frames. We showcase higher-end, antique and pre-owned merchandise from major manufacturers around the world. Each Craftsman and Artisan creates beautifully crafted rustic designs, rustic home designs, rustic furniture, and much more! If you do not see what you are looking for, let us know, or check back often. Buying and selling antiques, artwork, jewelry, sculptures, bronze, porcelain, silver, Chinese antiquities and modern furniture.Contact:
Call us at the phone number: 831 688 0682 or visit our website: or contact us at email:Find more Antique stores in Aptos Ca
Welcome to Johns Antiques
Call us today and find that new/old treasure for your home. Start shopping and find what you are looking for. Call, or come by today! Call Us Today! Stop by and browse through our selection today. For more information, call us now!For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
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