Lilly Wallace Antiques
Antique stores
- Main Activity: Antiques
Aptos Ca
CA - 448 Granite Way

Lilly Wallace Antiques, 448 Granite Way, Aptos Ca - AntiquesLilly Wallace Antiques - business info:
Lilly Wallace Antiques is Antiques from Aptos Ca. The company provides a wide range of valuables and irreplaceable items, from antiques and decorative furnishings to collectibles. Buying, selling and renting Antiques and Collectibles. A unique collection of old and new. Pricing must BE fair in order to achieve sales and property liquidation. That is why we have made it our mission to provide you with reliable, quality antique furniture restoration and repair. We offers a unique and eclectic array of Antique & Vintage furniture, glassware, housewares, home decor, books & media etc. We promise to always be honest with you and treat you with the respect you deserve.
Antique offers
Lilly Wallace Antiques Aptos Ca offers: We have a very wide variety of merchandise with something for every collector or gift giving occasion. We buy and sell quality used furniture and home furnishings. We also feature unique antique furnishings, paintings and home dcor items, crystal, china and glassware, collectible dolls, and so much more. We are always buying coins, currency & bullion. Antiques tend to become stained, chipped, and cracked as time goes by. Some are unusual, some cheap and some superb. We also offer a basement full of vintage chairs, couches, loveseats andmore that are waiting to be claimed and reupholstered by someone who wants a conversation piece in his or her living room.Contact:
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Welcome to Lilly Wallace Antiques
Safe shopping guarantee. Stop by or call our antique store for more information! Call us today for a great new look to your furniture piece. Our selection is so wide that we are sure you will find something you love. We look forward to your visit. Please call us today for more information.For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Lilly Wallace Antiques.