Herrera Antiques

Antique stores

  • Main Activity: Antiques
  • Sun Valley Ca

  • 8600 Lankershim Blvd
  • 818 504 6113


Herrera Antiques, 8600 Lankershim Blvd, Sun Valley Ca - Antiques

Herrera Antiques - business info:

Herrera Antiques is Antiques from Sun Valley Ca. We have a large network active antique buyers looking for value and quality antiques. If you have items that you are looking to cash in, bring them to us. Let us take a look, and quite possibly, make you an offer that helps make the next transition in your life a bit smoother. If you are looking for a particular antique or collectible, you maybe find in our store Our antique store, has a variety of vendors providing many unique items. Our selection is so wide that we are sure you will find something you love. Our store offer buyers and sellers of fine art and antiques.


Antique offers

Herrera Antiques Sun Valley Ca offers: Fine European & American Furniture, China, Glass, Pottery, Silver, Toys, Tools, Books, Coins, Jewelry and Much More! Whether you are in search for a perfect piece to add to your collection or buying for a client, we have countless of fabulous items that would surely elevate the look of any home. Our store has been providing serious and novice antique collector s alike with a variety of high-end antique items and period pieces from all eras. We invite you to come in, shop and perhaps find the item you could not find anywhere else. We handle only the best of fine jewelry. We also have an extensive collection of antique and estate jewelry. Quality craftsmanship at a fair price. Refinishing restores anything from a precious antique, to contemporary furniture, bringing a polished and radiant piece to any room.

Antique catalog

Antiques prices


Call us at the phone number: 818 504 6113 or visit our website: or contact us at email:

Find more Antique stores in Sun Valley Ca

Welcome to Herrera Antiques

At our company, we care about the people, and we want to help our clients with whatever their jewelry needs may be. Visit our website for more information Please call us today for a free estimate. Feel free to text or email us a picture. This is not your typical flea market or junk shop, but rather some of the finest antique shopping you will find in this region of the country! Whether youre buying, selling, trading, or seeking an appraisal, our professionals always strive to deliver high quality personal attention in every transaction.

For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list, if not listed on our site, get info contact Herrera Antiques.


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