Ann Arbor Antiques Market
Antique stores
- Main Activity: Antique furniture
Ann Arbor Mi
MI - 5055 Ann Arbor Saline Rd
48103 - 734 662 0496

Ann Arbor Antiques Market, 5055 Ann Arbor Saline Rd, Ann Arbor Mi - Antique furnitureAnn Arbor Antiques Market - business info:
Ann Arbor Antiques Market is Antique furniture from Ann Arbor Mi. Our expert staff can answer any questions you might have Our store have many treasures from around the world. We buy anything from scrap gold, scrap silver and scrap platinum. Each find has a history all its own, it could be a door from a brothel or a door from castle. At our store we value the opportunity to offer our experience and attention to detail to all of our clients. Our clients range from private to corporate and institutional. Our antique shop was opened as a way to offer great, previously owned merchandise to those looking to furnish their homes with character.
Antique offers
Ann Arbor Antiques Market Ann Arbor Mi offers: Our selection of antiques includes Postcards, Jewelry, Glassware, Stamps and coins, Toys and games, Vintage clothing, and much more! You can shop here for primitive items in good condition. A high quality shop carrying 18th, 19th and 20th Century American and Continental furnishings, every category pertaining to our past. We deal with: Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold, Firearms, Coins, Tools. These collectibles experts are constantly seeking to find new and rare collectibles-if you have a large collection that you are looking to sell, they will even travel to you. Bring your jewelry in and our expert staff will evaluate it. Great selection of french antiques, english antiques, midcentury modern, jewelry, collectibles, vintage items and much more.Contact:
Call us at the phone number: 734 662 0496 or visit our website: or contact us at email:Find more Antique stores in Ann Arbor Mi
Welcome to Ann Arbor Antiques Market
Call us today for your free appraisal. Visit us to find your one of a kind eclectic piece today! We will help you look for your specific need. Visit our website to view our work or call for a free estimate. Professional delivery and installation is the beginning of life for these antiques in your home, just another step in their journey. If you are looking for something unique or a little nostalgia from your childhood this is the place to be.For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Ann Arbor Antiques Market.