Flint Antique Bottle Club
Antique stores
- Main Activity: Private Club
Gaines Mi
MI - 11353 Cook Rd
48436 - 989 271 9193

Flint Antique Bottle Club, 11353 Cook Rd, Gaines Mi - Private ClubFlint Antique Bottle Club - business info:
Flint Antique Bottle Club is Private Club from Gaines Mi. We offer a wide range of services for you to utilize. Looking for a nice watch or piece of jewelry, we have that as well. Come to our shop to explore the affordable collectibles our shop has to offer. We know that you have a choice of furniture refinishing companies in the area and we appreciate your consideration. We treat you fairly and always pay the highest prices. Our clients include numerous celebrities, set decorators, production designers, interior designers and individuals looking for excellent quality and design at reasonable prices. All details of the sale process and fee will be discussed with you prior to finalizing the contract.
Antique offers
Flint Antique Bottle Club Gaines Mi offers: Please call for an appointment, so you can pick-up a unique antique for your home. Our company buys out and liquidates estates so we are able to sell a vast quantity of antiques, used furniture, and collectibles. From paintings to reproduction furniture, there is nothing you need that we can not find for you. We have great mid-century pieces as well as some antiques mixed in with brand new things. Our professional services will turn your old furniture into brand new items, thus retaining your precious memories. Your curiosity will be satisfied if you are looking for something in particular or if you are just out for a fun afternoon. You can find reference books, price guides, glass, pottery, tins, linens, collectibles, furniture, paper goods, dolls, and jewelriesContact:
Call us at the phone number: 989 271 9193 or visit our website: or contact us at email:Find more Antique stores in Gaines Mi
Welcome to Flint Antique Bottle Club
Lifetime authenticity guarantee and most importantly. Please call us or visit our website today for more details! Call today to schedule a pick up or a consultation with our team of experts. Once we get our hands on it, you will no longer see any signs of damage. Please phone, write or e-mail us with your specific needs and our staff will be pleased to provide you immediately with digital images, dimensions and other pertinent information. Call today & take advantage of our complementary delivery service!For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Flint Antique Bottle Club.