Capitol Antiques
Antique stores
- Main Activity: Antiques
San Antonio Tx
TX - 906 Fredericksburg Rd
78201 - 210 736 6963

Capitol Antiques, 906 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio Tx - AntiquesCapitol Antiques - business info:
Capitol Antiques is Antiques from San Antonio Tx. Furniture, Silver, Ceramics, Fine Art, Antiques & Collectibles. Our many customers appreciate the merchandise we offer because we acquire items that cannot be found easily - if at all. We will be happy to offer you a fair price for your items. We take pride in being told that we are a "true" antique store, however, we offer items for everyone, on every budget. Offering a Fine Selection of Antique and Vintage Items. Find a great value on new, used and antique furniture. We also make watch and precious stone repairs.
Antique offers
Capitol Antiques San Antonio Tx offers: Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture, Furniture Stores. World War 2 Memorabilia and Coins, Antique Swords, Antique Guns, Rare Coins, Antique Furniture,?Antique/Vintage Toys, Vintage Jewelry, Estate Jewelry, Antiques, Collectibles. We also feature unique antique furnishings, paintings and home dcor items, crystal, china and glassware, collectible dolls, and so much more. Included are seat caning, carving, turning, upholstery, touch-up, gilding and refinishing. Our company as your appraisal expert to perform detailed audits, perform on-site physical inspections of assets and give an accurate accounting which will list all assets and current value. When it is time to sell your coins keep in mind that we are specialists and we are all honest and trustworthy. Visit our store to shop our huge selection of antique furniture.Contact:
Call us at the phone number: 210 736 6963 or visit our website: or contact us at email:Find more Antique stores in San Antonio Tx
Welcome to Capitol Antiques
Call us today, we guaranteed satisfaction. Please stop in to see our selection or visit our online store! Contact our store to learn about our estate selling and buying. We offer free estimates for you convenience. Stop by today and have fun browsing or take one of our do-it yourselfer classes. Come see why our store is truly a one-stop shop for everything you want-new and used-at incredible prices.For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Capitol Antiques.